abandon [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 14:26:38 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]she looks out over the waters, half-cooled cup of tea in her hands. autumn is nearly at its apex; months have passed since her fall. 

the sea is relentless and she feels as though it's reaching for her, calling to her, and in those wave-breaks she is flung backwards in time. 

it's been like that, since the tentacruel, since her breaking, her


she half-closes her eyes, suppresses a shudder. lyune is a ghost-mirage in front of her, tail lashing, blood pouring from a wound on his side. wings fanning. steely-eyed, crippled from rage. and then his body is hers and they are rocketing towards rocks and the world is full of splintered, broken stars and all she feels is her pain and his pain and they're dying. 

by the gods, they're dying. 

she is in and out of consciousness. nerve damage. blunt-force trauma. not sure if it'll ever fully heal. might never wake up. 

and then she is awake in a dimly lit room and she is crying, screaming for lyune and they are telling her that he isn't waking up, that he's stable but he isn't waking up. 

and so she takes him and she gathers the rest of her family and she leaves and she can't remember how and she can't remember why or when or what bits she's forgotten. 

but she's here now, looking out at the sea, a sleeping dragon behind her. he is thin, nigh emaciated, but he watches her with one eye. weeks and weeks of praying to gods she doesn't believe in over his body and then he'd shuddered back into existence. 

sometimes she thinks he resents her for it. 

sometimes she resents herself for it. 

he looks at her as a stranger might at times. puncture scars on her arms, still healing, are from a cornered animal's bite. they're strangers, at times (most of the time), and yet he never leaves her side. he loves her still; deep down their bond is always there. 

waves crash. her lower back twinges. she grimaces, takes a sip of cold coffee. wasn't it tea before? days blur. 

no one can find her. she has a radio that flickers in and out. where is freya morningstar? presumed dead. 

abandoned hoenn. a coward. not befitting of a councilwoman. 

good that abbiati takes her position. her bones are too tired. she needs rest. lyune's flames lick at her shoulder, singe her hair. 

starlight hair turns raven black. she dyes it the second night of emma's arrival. stars go muted. 

i can't go back. not like this. 

the sea crashes against her small island, her corner of the world. they are safe here. safe from whatever's coming. she cannot do that to lyune. 

(she cannot bear to do it to herself.)

she learns to fish. she learns to whittle. calcifer no longer need walk beside her to keep her upright. oil-slicked gnarled branch, her mage's staff, she jokes, keeps her upright. but there's no magic there. just a harsh reality that she's as crippled as lyune. 

she sits by the seaside and emma is there. holding her hand, lapsing into silence. they are both lost with nowhere to turn. and so they stay, wander in the fog. 

a future not yet unfolded. 

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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 14:53:05 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


She still remembers, remembers the horror of Freya's fall. Emma hadn't been there, she had been too slow, too distracted with other business that she wasn't there when Freya needed her the most.[break][break]

The raw panic, the terror, the despair as the news hit the streets, gossip spread like wildfire.[break][break]

Freya Morningstar in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Will she wake up?[break][break]

And she wasn't allowed to visit her, she wasn't a relative and their relationship was a secret and all she could do was watch through closed doors, fingers ice cold with the fear that she may never see her again.[break][break]

The moment Freya had woken up she had felt her heart restart again, felt that nauseating wash of relief. A piece of her had laid dormant and deceased until her reawakening, her revival.[break][break]

Emma Wolfe was the one who whisked away Freya Morningstar and Lyune. She had been the one who rescued her from the incapable hands, the disgust, the doubt that she didn't need. She was safer wrapped in her arms.[break][break]

Sometimes she wonders if she's made a mistake, if perhaps she would have been safer and better taken care of if she'd left her with the League. She can't mend a broken leg, can't mend Lyune's broken spirit.[break][break]

She had been caught in between the disagreements between Freya and her dragon, she had been the one brave enough to take the stand and protect the both of them. Anything to protect Freya.[break][break]

Freya's beautiful silver hair has turned black. Emma's hands remained stained with the dye for days after she'd run her fingers through it.[break][break]

And still she stays by her side. Her personal missions were halted so that she could remain by Freya's side. Nothing mattered anymore but to keep her safe.[break][break]

But were either of them really alive anymore?

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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 15:03:32 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]soft, knowing hands. eyes that betray every inch of her pain, of her understanding. to anyone else, to everyone else, she is a statue--cold and calculating and unsettling. but emma is freya's salvation, at last. 

she thinks that emma leads her blindly, that the tiny island in the middle of a vast expanse of sea is a miraculous happenstance. she's owed a miracle or two, isn't she? 

but this derelict house with its salt-stained floors, ramshackle furniture, homey oddities is a sad truth. this is an escape for the assassin. this is a last resort, a pocket in the corner of the universe. 

she is so, so grateful for it. 

she peers into a cracked mirror; her face is splintered. she's impossible to recognize. thin as a waif, hollow eyes, black hair against grayish skin. ghoulish. ghastly. it's hard to meet emma's eyes like this. hard to know what she must look like. 

she investigates the roots of her hair; silver peeks through. and she sighs, reaches for a comb to untangle the mess that's curled around her shoulders. but her fingers curl and she takes in a breath and sighs and numbly reaches for her staff instead. 

there is a mattress on the floor of this one cabin house and she collapses onto it, peels back blankets to crawl inside and shut out the world for a few hours more. moxie, huddled under the warmth of the blankets, now curls around freya's arm. 

she nuzzles closer to the snake. 

emma will return soon with new supplies. 

she's left enough that freya should, at this point, not doubt her return. but she still waits for the day that she finds herself staring at a door that won't open. and she won't wonder why she didn't come back. because at a certain point, won't this be too much? 

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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 15:28:51 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


While she might not be recognizable to herself, to Emma she is the most beautiful thing in the world.[break][break]

Her lips are set in a thin line, her jaw set and aching. Her hands are balled into fists as she buries them into the warm fur of Eris' back. The Noivern's powerful and wide wings outstretched, scooping the air underneath them. It feels as if they're gliding on air, untouchable.[break][break]

Emma glances over her shoulder, the wind tugging her hair around her neck as she checks on the supplies tied off on the dragon's back legs. It's carefully stacked and not overly heavy to prevent strain on the beast. [break][break]

This time she's recovered packages of food, it's unclear whether it's stolen or not, but it's now under Emma's control and being delivered to a discreet and distant island. To Freya.[break][break]

With one hand she pulls the hair from her mouth and closes her eyes as Noivern makes her decline, tilting her wings as they grow closer to the island. The pair break through the clouds and appear, and she slowly and expertly sets the delivery down before landing.[break][break]

"Stay still, Eris."[break][break]

She whispers as she unties her load, allowing the Noivern to take off and disappear to wherever she would prefer to be. Emma releases Hades to help her carry the goods inside to unpack.[break][break]

There's a stillness in the house that automatically makes her on edge. She can't hear Freya wandering around the house, she can't hear the soft creak of the floor beneath her feet.[break][break]

She drops what she's carrying to race to the bedroom, or the small area deemed the bedroom. There she finds Freya lying quietly and Emma breaths a sigh of relief as she pauses to just watch her.[break][break]

Eventually she herself crawls down to press close to the woman, cocooning her in her arms.[break][break]

"I love you, Freya."

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 21:22:19 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]has she ever known such weakness? myths and legends and fantasies have always been real. dragons walk the earth and somehow she'd convinced herself that she was one of them, that she deserves a happy ending, a knight in shining armor vanquishing the darkness. 

and now she is swathed under a ratty blanket, holding what little she has left in this world close to her, though not close enough. moxie's eye has since healed, but it's yet another reminder that she can't protect them. that she's battered and broken from all sides. physically, mentally, utterly incapable. 

her throat seizes and she squeezes her eyes shut. and it's just as the door opens that the moment passes. an unsettling coolness falls over her once again (and she welcomes it, yearns for it). 

harried, worried steps carry emma to her bed, have her whisked into her arms.

frail little dragon, how soft you've become. 

she blinks at the statement. so simple, honest, true. and she swallows back the lingering choke. the light in her eyes dulls again, though she offers a limp smile and snuggles closer. bony shoulders nestle against emma's chest; her warmth is on her neck. 

she relaxes. 

the two of them haven't figured anything out. emma has cared for her, helped her back t her feet, but these small intimacies have been all they've shared. she can't ask for more. and emma won't push it. stasis. static. 

"i know," she murmurs, guilt pressing thick against her tongue. 

"what did you manage to bring back?" are the goods stolen? more than likely. and months ago, she would have balked at the idea of taking anything from the people, especially with the current state of things in this sorry region. but she's since shed justice, given out for the sake of maintaining her sanity. if this is forever, if she's to stay in exile, then it doesn't matter. in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter, right? 

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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 2:16:49 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


It breaks her heart to see Freya this way, her spirit so broken and defeated and without motivation or drive. She was no longer the regal princess, the powerful leader, the woman who would have single-handed retaken Hoenn. What curls deeper into her arms is a woman who nearly died and has since remained afraid, unwilling to try again. It's heartbreaking.[break][break]

She squeezes her, but not too tight, afraid the woman might break. When she pulls away she brushes her thumb against her cheek slowly. Her skin feels so papery and thin, it had lost its luster and softness. But still, Emma puts a smile on her face.[break][break]

Her hand soon drops as she allows Freya her space, unwilling to push the woman's boundaries and make her uncomfortable. Her response to her simple statement hurts, perhaps unreasonably so. Perhaps Emma is selfish, wanting more than Freya can possibly give.[break][break]

Freya soon changes the topic, inquiring about the supplies. Emma gets back to her feet and turns to head back for the boxes. She kneels down next to them, snapping open the crates and tossing aside the debris, revealing softer blankets and fresh fruit.[break][break]

"I planted a garden, not on the island. This place is a curse, nothing grows. It's been several months of waiting, especially now that the season is changing.. but we have something at least. Perhaps they're immature harvests but I feared the frost would kill them."[break][break]

In carefully packed wraps there was a various harvest of fruits and vegetables. It was meager, but Emma had survived on less. For the most part, what she brought home was for Freya.[break][break]

"You're welcome to any of it."

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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 3:12:20 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]homesickness overtakes her. the garden she'd never had a chance to show emma. does elias still care for her plants? (he does, though he isn't sure why.) bundles of plump berries turned sour and rotted; it's all she can see as she stares at the measly produce before her. 

still, she can't survive only off of the fish that she catches, or what aeris and sypha bring back from their day-trip flights. 

they won't fly too far. 

"are you being safe? out there?" she crushes the questions she wants to ask. how are they? how are my the people?

emma doesn't need to be told to be safe. the woman is strong, indomitable, unwavering. freya circles back, leans against her for support. the space she'd put between them had become too much, is too much, and so she hikes their ankles together, snuggles back in close, promises she'll help put the fruits away in just a moment. 

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the wolf
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Emma Wolfe
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 15:50:56 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


For a long time she holds onto a small potato, turning it in her hand and appearing far-away or distant as dirt falls between her fingers. [break][break]

Freya speaks and she drops the potato, letting it roll off the ends of her fingers and bounce back into the crate. She turns to gaze at the woman and the question she asks. Is she being safe? Not usually.[break][break]

"Yes, I'm always safe."[break][break]

A lie, in part, but she doesn't dare admit that she's still battling demons that convince her death should come to her painfully in atonement for her sins. [break][break]

She feels Freya curl into her again and she instinctively wraps her arms around her, chin resting on the woman's head as she breathed in her scent. She no longer smelled the same, she had long since stopped using the product and perfume that changed it's smell to compliment her natural one. She smelled musty and old, like the blankets so tattered that she curls up with. She smells sick and tired and.. wrong.[break][break]

"You don't have to worry about me, I always come back to you."[break][break]

Emma disregards her promise to help put the produce away, instead holding her closer.[break][break]

"It's alright, I can handle it, Frey."

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 16:04:11 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]there is no electricity in this place. no running water either. a well out back fills when it rains. excess jugs sit in one corner of the room, next to a stockpile of canned goods she's yet to rely on. and it's clear in the meticulous hoarding, in the fervent requests she sometimes gives to emma (flashlights, extra batteries, a waterproof backpack), that she doesn't plan on leaving. 

she's to wait out the storm, and if the storms are neverending, then so is her exile. 

outside of the cabin comes a low grumbling and freya sits up. she spies aeris and sypha through the window, landing on the ground with a fresh catch tangled in their tails. lyune brings himself to his feet, tail lashing, and his body language speaks aggression. 

she's up then, grabbing a too-big sweater with holes worn in its sides, shrugging it on over her tank as she looks frantically for her cane. 

"we have to calm him down."

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[newclass=.freypost b]color:#c5c2b3;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;text-transform:lowercase;[/newclass]
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the wolf
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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 22:15:58 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


The wind still rips through the building from time to time, there's loose buckets that often catch rainwater as it spills inside. They'd learned to keep their food off of the ground along with their other most precious items. Emma had learned how to do makeshift repairs but they weren't perfect. She was a hunter, not a repairman.[break][break]

She can see Freya's waterproof backpack, packed with supplies needed to come back to reality, to help her hunt, to come with her, laying on it's side on the makeshift table. It's been untouched since she brought it home.[break][break]

Home.. as if this were anything like a home. Emma had never known home, but this certainly felt the least like any of the places she had ever stayed.[break][break]

Freya's attention turns away from her to gaze out the window. Two of her dragons had returned with fish. However, they had attracted an unwanted guest in a temperamental Lyune. She can feel Freya's panic as she pulls away, tugs on a sweater and searches for her cane.[break][break]

Hades fetches it for her, returning quickly and holding her steady. His gaze locks onto Emma's and he can see the firm line between her lips, the anger, the frustration.[break][break]

"I'll deal with him this time. He's dangerous."[break][break]

She storms out the back door, leaving it wide open. The wind tugs at her hair, pulling it across her face. There's a rage in her eyes as she calls out.[break][break]

"Lyune that is enough. There is plenty enough to go around. If you're so fucking hungry, how about you lend a hand?"[break][break]

Of course, she's probably aware that she's being unfair, that Lyune probably can't fly, that he can't help himself. But still, she barbs her words with poison with the intent to hurt him, because he's hurt her and Freya too many times.[break][break]

Eris screams from the sky, circling from above, waiting to intervene and protect Emma and the two Dragonair. She's been through this routine before, she isn't afraid of the brute.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 4:17:38 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
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A PUMPKABOO FLOATS BY with a treat clasped underneath its tiny fangs. both of you receive the following:[break][break]
(note: you do not need to engage with the pumpkaboo icly).[break]

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Oct 17, 2019 21:05:08 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]freya leans gratefully into hades. she grabs her cane from where it rests against the door frame, but emma is already outside before she can follow. the door slams shut behind her; the windowpanes rattle. 

freya shares a glance with hades and then looks away, feeling...guilty? anxiety nips at her stomach as she opens the door. 

outside is cold, a biting cold that sinks its teeth into her immediately. she shivers, wraps her arms around herself, toes on her slippers on the porch and winces at emma's harsh words. 

lyune wheels towards emma; smoke flares from his nostrils. he cocks his head, looks at her with his good eye. a low rattling sounds in his throat and a hiss wheezes past his teeth as his maw parts. smoke curls, puffs, and both aeris and sypha chitter back at him, coiling protectively in front of emma. 

he withdraws, tail flicking in warning, and then goes to lift his wings. only one of them responds and he snarls in frustration, forgetting, not understanding why pain lances up his side. 

alexander's mechanism had broken when they'd been cast against the rocks. and try as she might, she doesn't have the know-how or the tools to fix it. and despite her singular attempt at reaching out to the man, all she's heard is radio silence. 

she can't blame him if he's gone into hiding. 

"lyune," freya breathes and he stops his frustrated thrashing. his sides heave. he lifts his nose, tongue forking, and this time he recognizes her scent. clarity overcomes him and he shudders, goes small, and dips his head towards emma. 

he needs medical treatment. proper medical treatment. behavioral therapy. she knows that. she knows this.

aeris and sypha still regard him warily as they offer their catch to emma. 

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the wolf
october 30
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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2019 3:22:46 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Hades' fur is warm but coarse. He had never been the type of companion that was comfortable to cuddle into. He had never been graced with that sort of capacity, nor had he ever yearned for it. Even this small bout of affection, of closeness, is enough to make him uncomfortable. But still he stays still, careful not to move, not to jostle her, because he knows better than to show his discomfort.[break][break]
All that matters is her and Emma.[break][break]

His body tenses both when the door slams shut because of the wind, and because Freya abandons his side to fly to the door. He can smell her fear, he can smell Lyune's confusion and Emma's rage. She's so angry, so confused, so full of pain and fear and it's all so much.[break][break]

And his hackles raise in response to Lyune's aggression. In that moment, he would throw himself in front of her to be eaten if it meant keeping her safe. But Freya's Dragonair coil in front of her, protecting her, and he isn't sure whether to step in anymore. He's been replaced by larger, stronger Pokemon. Pokemon who can actually stand a chance.[break][break]

Emma's eyes are wild with anger as the dragon turns on her. She knows she's not indestructible and yet she isn't afraid of him, not really. Her fear stems from the vast unknown, the inability to fix him. She's never understood why he acts this way, why he suddenly turns into a spiral of rage and hate and confusion. She's never understood how Pokemon operate, how similar to humans they truly are.[break][break]

He thrashes, angry that his one wing doesn't raise with the other, and he seems confused yet again that he can't fly. That he's stuck here endlessly, stuck on this disgusting, wet, cold island and there's nothing he can do about it. [break][break]

Freya's voice distracts Emma and she instinctively steps in front of her to guard her, unsure whether Lyune would attack. He's done it before, he would do it again. He's unpredictable, messy.[break][break]

"Freya, don't--"[break][break]

She starts but is relieved to see the beast submit, his body shrinking as he accepts their authority, recognizes their scent. Perhaps it's the salt in the air that distracts and disorients him. It confuses Emma always.[break][break]

Emma snatches the fish from the Dragonite, perhaps too aggressively. She's angry but she can't voice it, she can't pick up her emotions, they just keep falling between her fingers. She doesn't know what's eating her up inside, and she's angry that she can't help herself.[break][break]

"He's relaxed, I'll go deal with the fish."[break][break]

She's curt, she's aching, she wants to be alone, she thinks.

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the ascendant
November 03
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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2019 17:55:07 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
[attr="class","freypost"]the twin dragonair give emma the space she needs, and the two almost seem more scared of her than they do lyune. sypha follows the woman reluctantly, knowing full well the catch is a bit too much for one person to handle. 

and aeris departs, slinks up to lyune and gently rubs her snout against the side of his. he grumbles softly, almost a whine. and freya watches the both of them, watches emma walk away. 

they are all so, so broken. and she knows it's not fair to emma, to keep her stranded here with her.

she gathers her sweater tighter around herself, fists her fingers in too-long sleeves. the earth is damp as she crosses it. lyune lowers his head as she approaches and she holds her arms out. he pushes into her chest, breathes. warmth sweeps over her, chasing the rest of her shivers away. 

she touches his brow and he purrs his apologizes.

"oh, lyune, what are we going to do?" 

he has no answer for her. 

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
abandon [c]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2019 15:35:47 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


While Emma stalks off, she can feel the uneasy presence, the fear of Freya's Dragonair's following her. It makes her skin crawl to see them so afraid of her, so on edge. This isn't what she wanted, this isn't the way she had seen things working out.[break][break]

They help her put away the fish and one of them leaves to snuggle into Lyune.[break][break]

Freya doesn't follow her, she chooses to dote on her dragon, the same dragon that had, only minutes ago, threatened to hurt them. Her trust in the beast confuses her to no end - Emma had never understood it. She might very well never.[break][break]

Emma overhears her ask the Salamence what they are to do. It's then that she recoils, that all of her frustration and worry and fear blows up in her face.[break][break]

"You need to pick up the pieces of yourself and move on, Freya. You need to stop hiding away out here in the middle of god knows where, pretending like everything is okay when it's not.. You're stronger than this, you're better than this. You and Lyune both need help because I can't help you. Gods, I wish I could, Frey, but I can't. I'm sorry."[break][break]

She starts off with heat, with rage, with nigh hate for the situation, but it soon withers away into shame, guilt, sadness. She had taken Freya herself, she had done this to her, she had been the reason she hid out on this miserable damp island. It had been all her doing, not Freya's. It wasn't fair of her to accuse her of not helping herself.

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